Truth Thursday: The Hashtags continue

More hashtags, because they happen to be fun and hopefully give everyone a good laugh or two.

#Writerblessing: Just reached 100 followers on my Facebook page and 100 followers on Twitter! Looking forward to meeting new readers and fans. #writerblessing #authorfun #notpopularyet #butiwillgetthere

#Writerproblems: Trying to choose between reading and writing is a constant dilemma. #writerproblems #theyrebothfun #manyincompleteonbothcounts

Hope you enjoyed this installment of #writerblessings and #writerproblems, and feel free to share your own!


  1. #Writersproblems: Trying to find the time to write and read and then blogging all on the same day.#writersproblems #findthetime.

  2. I am also trying to reach my goal of getting at least 10 comments a month on Come check out our stories.
